Module 4: Comprehension Quiz
Module 4: References
Check Your Knowledge M4.4
You must correctly answer the 2 Check Your Knowledge (CYK) questions to proceed.
Check Your Knowledge M4.3
You must correctly answer the 2 Check Your Knowledge (CYK) questions to proceed.
Check Your Knowledge M4.2
You must correctly answer the 2 Check Your Knowledge (CYK) questions to proceed.
Check Your Knowledge M4.1
You must correctly answer the 2 Check Your Knowledge (CYK) questions to proceed.
Check Your Knowledge M2.2
You must correctly answer the 2 Check Your Knowledge (CYK) questions to proceed.
Bioimpedance Spectroscopy (BIS)
Bioimpedance Spectroscopy (BIS) Reference Video for BIS
Lymphatic Collectors
Lymphatic Collectors Lymphatic collectors are larger vessels in the lymphatic system that transport lymph fluid from the lymphatic capillaries and pre-collectors to the lymph nodes and eventually to the larger lymphatic trunks and ducts. Function
Pathologies Commonly Associated with Lymphedema
A diagnosis of lymphedema rarely occurs without other comorbidities, and will often lead to other conditions. The following pathologies are most commonly associated with lymphedema: