MLD Assignment
Module 3 Assignment In lieu of a multiple-choice test, this module requires a video assignment Using the lower extremity videos in Module 3 as a reference, you will create a video demonstrating MLD (.mov works best!) Instructions You will need someone to be a patient. If you do not have anyone to serve as a […]
Module 3 References
Oliveira, M., Gurgel, M., Amorim, B. J., Ramos, C. D., Derchain, S., Furlan-Santos, N., Dos Santos, C. C., & Sarian, L. O. (2018). Long term effects of manual lymphatic drainage and active exercises on physical morbidities, lymphoscintigraphy parameters and lymphedema formation in patients operated due to breast cancer: A clinical trial. PloS one, 13(1), e0189176. Zuther, […]
Check Your Knowledge M3.4
Check Your Knowledge M3.3
You must correctly answer the 2 Check Your Knowledge (CYK) questions to proceed.
Check Your Knowledge M3.2
You must correctly answer the 2 Check Your Knowledge (CYK) questions to proceed.
Check Your Knowledge M3.1
You must correctly answer the 2 Check Your Knowledge (CYK) questions to proceed.
Videos – LE MLD
Videos – UE MLD
Additional MLD Techniques
Superficial and Deep Abdominals Paravertebral Para sternal Quadratus lumborum Intercostals
Strokes of MLD – Rotary
Rotary Used on large surface areas Hands flat on the skin Lower wrist, push, deviate the wrist, and release